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Saturday, July 29, 2017

· Fairy Queen ·

In celebration of finally getting back to this blog (I've missed you all and blogging!!), I had to share my favorite new photos first....  At the height of my estate sale excursions a year ago, I came across a sale with this lovely organdy dress in just my size!  I am not usually a purple person, but when the dress fits perfectly... you just roll with it.  I'm so glad that I did, because I am in love with this delicate orchid/lavender color and I honestly don't know why I haven't worn this color before!

I was afraid that I would have to hem this dress because the original owner was quite tall, but with heels and good posture I manage to just barely avoid tripping! ;-)

Has anyone else been loving the show "The Crown"? I know I'm late to the party, but it's sooooo good!  The clothing/hair/makeup is so perfect and such a delight to see!  This outfit makes me feel like I could be in that show, which is one of the best feelings ever. ;-)

This vintage hat was part of a large collection that was generously given to us by a stranger my mom met in a hotel lobby while traveling.  She was part of a historical museum that was running out of room and she shipped a giant box of hats across the country to us.  That's one of the reasons I love vintage and am so passionate about wearing older styles boldly- vintage appeals to such a wide range of people and has a wonderful ability to inspire conversations with total strangers. I love the interactions I have on a regular basis with just about anyone and everyone! :-)

The dress is made of a stiff cotton organdy (why, oh why is organdy not a commonly available fabric?? this stuff is Amazing.) and lined in taffeta. The inner bodice is a simple rectangle with an elastic casing at the top.  It's remarkably still stretchy after 70ish years.... They really don't make elastic like they used to!  The dress closes down the bodice with large covered buttons and on the side with a zipper.  The sash is attached on one end to the zipper, but there was no fastener visible? I've made do with safety pinning the other end in place for each wearing, but I'm not sure what the original plan was! I think I'll end up sewing snaps for an easier way to get dressed. ;-)

The skirt isn't terribly full, but the fabric still makes it feel elegant and dramatic.  The huge tuck in the skirt also adds lovely weight and body to the skirt!

My lovely gold Chelsea Crew shoes are the perfect touch to peek out. :-)

For such a simple dress, it does have some fun unexpected details like the top buttons which are attached by a thread chain and each placed through bound buttonholes at the neckline.

I decided that this dress had a simple elegance of its own, so I kept the accessories super simple for this dress and only wore a pearl necklace. :-)

Thanks for hanging in there during my prolonged absence! While I'm continuing to figure out how regularly I can keep up with blogging, I do have several more posts already on the docket to share. :-) See you soon!

· photos by Kathryn ·


  1. Wonderful to hear from you again - I have missed seeing your wonderful creations.
    I look forward to your new posts.

  2. Yay! I stumbled upon this blog during your hiatus and look forward to seeing new posts!
    -a fellow lover of all things vintage

    1. So glad to have you around Lilly! (and I love your name! ;-))

  3. Woah, that's seriously amazingly beautiful!
    And thanks for posting :).

  4. This is gorgeous! I think the color is fabulous on you! 💕
    The bit about having good posture making it a wearable length made me chuckle. Perhaps I should wear more floor sweeping dresses as an incentive to improve my horrible posture. Lol!
    Glad to see a new post. I've missed you! 😊

  5. This is stunning on you! I love the delicate lilac color and the floral hat - very ethereal.

  6. This colour looks stunning and the fabric is gorgeous! Reminds me of those marble statues that look like they have a thin gauze-like veil.

  7. Yeah for organza! I've enjoyed The Crown too. This is a lovely post and you look lovely in lavender.

  8. I'm glad to see you back- I've missed seeing your lovely posts.
    And this a gorgeous dress- good thing you decided to get it, even though you were unsure of the colour! It's absolutely beautiful and you have accessorized it perfectly here too.

  9. Oh my gosh.. This dress is sooo dreamy! So amazing! Love it!

  10. This is just darling! What a wonderful color on you too!


  11. Utterly dreamy! A beautiful dress, and accessorised to subtle perfection x

  12. Oh my word. Inarguably my favorite outfit of yours EVER. WOW. That is seriously so gorgeous!!! You just cannot beat that vintage style!! Would be so much fun to recreate, for sure!!
    I am glad I'm not the only one that's having a hard time balancing work with blogging!! ;) I haven't got time for much of anything anymore, so I feel your pain! Looking forward to your posts though, however often you are able to share them! :) <3

  13. Happy to see you are posting again! The dress is absolutely beautiful.
    God bless

  14. Thank you all so much! I'm happy to be back! :-)

  15. Oh Lily... This dress is perfectly divine and you paired it so beautifully with the elegant heels and gorgeous floral hat! And Kathryn, you are an incredibly talented photographer... Always enjoy visiting with you!

  16. So nice to hear from you again! This dress is lovely. Elegant and simple. :)




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