Oh, autumn. How I love you!
I don't know what the last few months have been like for you, but we enjoyed wonderful weather and gorgeous fall colors for quite a bit longer than usual this year and I'm so, SO happy that a visit from
Kathryn coincided with it! I've wanted some wonderfully autumnal photos ever since I started this blog and every year it just never worked out... but it's all for the best since I think I *finally* am getting close to the autumn wardrobe of my dreams. ;-)
Every year I have high hopes for a grand new wardrobe since this season is the source of my favorite colors and tones, but every year seems to bring something along my path to thwart my ambitions. This year was much the same, but with a few choice additions previously in the year I was able to expand my options exponentially and I'm pretty pleased with the direction I'm headed at last. :-)
Long-time readers (at least those with an extraordinary memory for trivial details!) will remember this skirt from its
first incarnation. I made it 2.5 years ago after admiring the fabric for quite some time and I was so excited that it would finally be my Ultimate Spring/Autumn Dress! And sadly, it just really ended up falling short of my hopes. I eventually put it up for sale in my Etsy shop since it was frustrating to glimpse it in my closet, just hanging there and mocking me. But no one wanted to buy it. And then I finally realized what I should have years ago- this fabric just really wanted to be a skirt. It's a great print to go with several tops and sweaters in my closet and I think (fingers crossed!) it will finally fulfill its purpose in life. ;-)
This vintage wool sweater was purchased last February, but never got a chance to shine until this fall! I really, really love it and it also helps me get a step closer to
Eilis's Ever Coveted Wardrobe. (yes, I'm still obsessed...haha!)

My year so far has been full of big, life-changing things back-to-back and I've finally had a period of quiet over the past month. It's given me time to reflect back on where I've come over the last year and gather strength for the path ahead! If you follow me on Instagram, you'll already know that I've made the decision to remove myself from social media for the foreseeable future. I've found myself growing less creative and more apathetic in many areas of life and I'm ready to step back and rediscover the things I used to enjoy so much! One of which is blogging, so rest assured that this little site won't be going anywhere for a long time. ;-)

This past year has forced me to branch out a lot more and do things solo. From big city living to taking dance classes to arranging lots of solo cross-country travel, I've been adventuring a lot on my own. I'm highly introverted, but don't get me wrong- I do love company just as much as anyone else! I might be quiet, but I love having at least *someone* there by my side. But that's not always possible, and I'm glad I had the opportunity to realize that, yes- I actually can make my own fun. ;-)
Through various circumstances in February, I found myself with a day to spend in Cleveland and without any of the companions I tried to meet up with. I've never been to Cleveland before and while the day started off rather bleak, it brightened up quickly with a few excellent recommendations. Wandering through a market in a reclaimed train station and agonizing over which wonderful foods to choose (an Irish pasty won the day!), trying my very first authentic phosphate at the most adorable old-fashioned soda fountain, and some vintage shopping later... and the day was a rousing success! I still have fond memories of how wonderful that day was, and I'm so glad I made the most of it after all!
One of the vintage shops I visited in Cleveland was going out of business, so all the merchandise was 50% off and I was able to find 2 sweaters and 2 pairs of sunglasses. They were all great additions to my wardrobe and.... definitely help give the trip a rosy hue in my memory. ;-)
Also, can I just say that I love that I've finally built up a tolerance for high necklines? I used to feel like I was being strangled if anything touched above my clavicle which kind of puts a damper on a truly authentic 1950s look! The sweater is in wonderful shape and just required a few minor repairs to the button loops.

(And how much do I love that these shoes match perfectly??)
Have a happy Thanksgiving week, everyone!
· Photos by
Kathryn ·