I know I'm lagging behind the bandwagon on this one, but I finally saw "Brooklyn"! It was a wonderful movie* set in 1951-52; I really enjoyed it and the costuming set it apart! I read a few behind-the-scenes articles and the costumer (Odile Dicks-Mireaux) was super dedicated and knew her stuff. And it shows. Almost all of the clothing is original vintage and it's worth watching again for the background characters as well!
I've found myself being drawn toward understated, simple original pieces lately rather than my usual novelty-print "rockabilly" tendencies, so this movie was totally up my alley! Eilis's wardrobe is fairly small and her style gradually changes throughout the movie. I love her color scheme and it's something I feel like I could gravitate towards. Time will tell if there will be a lasting impact upon my personal wardrobe, but I think it's likely I'll add at least a few pieces this year. ;-)
I've been thinking for quite a while about doing a sporadic series on film fashions I adore, so here is the first installment!

Have you seen Brooklyn yet? Are you as obsessed as I am?
*Personal caveat for the movie- I do recommend reading content reviews as there is one scene I prefer to skip.*
*Personal caveat for the movie- I do recommend reading content reviews as there is one scene I prefer to skip.*
Screencap sources- http://www.screencapsbest.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=1874 and http://2016films.tumblr.com/