I've mentioned before in my Regency posts about my love for my chemisette, so I thought it would be fun to have some pictures highlighting the difference it really makes in the overall appearance of the ensemble. :-)
I went several years before making a chemisette; my dresses were perfectly modest and pretty on their own, so I didn't think they served a practical purpose. Little did I understand that they could serve a purely decorative one!
After wearing it for 3 years straight (and getting about 10-15 wearings in that time), I was getting tired of my blue dress. I knew I'd like it more once I added some accessories, so I researched styles a bit and decided on a simple ruffled V-neck chemisette.
Back when I turned 20, I decided to delay the onset of the (apparently) inevitable and concerning Boring Old Adult Syndrome by making a list of 20 historical sewing projects to complete within the year. Well, I'm happy to report that in that year and the successive ones, I don't *think* I've yet succumbed to BOAS!
However, I never did complete the list- so does that mean I've become boring without even knowing it?! ;-)
The list, although rather silly in origin and of dubious necessity, did serve some purpose as one day I finally decided to cross something off the list and make a chemisette! It was end of Daylight Savings Time, so I had an extra hour on Sunday morning before church to whip it up. ;-) The fabric came from a curtain obtained at a free garage sale which has provided fine, semi-sheer fabric for many a project. :-)
This chemisette has proved to be a rather versatile style! Seeing how much I love it- I think another style should make it on the priority list! ;-)

.... and After! It works well with the cross-over neckline as well. :-)

My blue dress is a simple, pretty style.....
....but the accessories really bring it to life!
I always liked my white dress....
.....but now I love it. :-) On this dress I like to wear it pulled out wide to the front neckline, to give more of a "ruff" look.
The one thing I would change about the chemisette is how the ruffle droops a bit in the back. I think it might be too full? Or else needs to be made of a stiffer fabric- starching hasn't helped at all. :-/ Ah well, that's life- always room for improvement. :-)