Well, I rather dropped off the face of the earth there! Life has been picking up- in the last month I moved back home from 6 months of living Chicago as a nanny and I discovered that I have So. Much. Stuff. While I was living away from home, I felt the nuisance of having "long distance" closets rather keenly. It's rather inconvenient not to have all of your garments in one location, I have to admit! However, trying to cram all of my rapidly-multiplying garments into just one closet has taken more effort than expected, lol! ;-)
Announcing: The Grand Wardrobe Cull of 2016. Otherwise known as maybe the hardest thing I've done in a while....
....All of these (and more!) are up in the Etsy shop with more coming in the next month. Take advantage of the fact that my closet is small and I can't keep all my favorites! ;-)
With all that being said... my month has been filled with diligently stocking up my etsy shops with my de-cluttering! I've continued my estate sale habit and the great weather has opened up lots of opportunities for more of that! Keep a look out on the etsy shop in the next month especially- I'll be working to get all of my offerings on there: scarves, hankies, vintage clothing, repro clothing from my family, hats (so many hats!), patterns, fabric, trims, gloves.... There's a lot.
As for the rest of life- Sewing. Swing bands in the small-town bandstand. Book club. Planning travels. Researching. Summer vintage sales. Figuring out the next stage of life. Waltz classes. Local festivals. You know, the normal. ;-)
I've missed all of you and unfortunately dropping off the face of the earth meant that I also really haven't kept up with my blog comments for quite some time- I'll be going back through those and I look forward to hearing from you all! :-) I don't post terribly often over on instagram, but it is more frequently than I've been posting here.... Hop on over and give me a follow!
For now, here are a few pictures of my nanny life in lieu of a "new project" post:
Navy Pier in downtown Chicago with Judah- the Children's Museum was our frequent haunt!
Unintentionally matching with my piano buddy :-)
He loved sewing almost as much as me! He also was my blogging buddy. :-)
Aaaand... the other side to living with a little. I had so many outtakes from this self-timer session- good thing he's such a cute little photobomber!
I thought it would be a great time for a shot of my new Royal Vintage shoes... while Judah just thought it would be a great time to check out my intriguing nylons. ;-)
While taking him along on a photoshoot meant less photos and more running/wrangling, it was worth it. ;-)
Hope you're all having a good start to your summer!